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Thursday, July 30, 2009


tadaaaa~ i am not really satisfied with it cuz i wan a LONG HAIR now! bahahahaaaa xP
went to Ray's hair salon with Miss pretty Caroline yesterday. she had a hair-wash while i had a haircut. since we've no idea where to go so yeah we went to THE SPRING. =..= and dining in KIM BAY again. =..= at least not SCR!

and... a nerdy pose. wahahaaa. imitated from my desktop background >>>

i like this pic so much. it's just so cute and funny, lol.

the normal one

the end! bahahaaa...

school reopen


Monday, July 27, 2009


i was wondering why they did not give me the straw for my Barley Lemon while everyone does have it! why i have a teaspoon?!
bahahaaa~ it was because that i was ordering a Hot Drink =..= lol

i ordered Salad Chicken Rice for my lunch and i din even know that the chicken is fried =..= and i was aye yaya~why they gv me fried chicken!!!!i thgt it's steam, lol.
again, the next day i had my dinner in SCR. i was happy as i knew that i was ordering ORIGINAL chicken rice which is steam one C:
BUT...there's something wrong with the chicken or rice. and i got a stomachache at night =..= what's going on huh?!

the envelope! there's something inside! wakakaaa...

i dislike today and yesterday >"<
too bad, so sad!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


whee~ we went to The Spring after collected our results slip.
hekhek xD

dun peek us when we are taking photo, yo people!(blush)

we had lunch in Kim Bay. the lunch set i ordered was totally nasty. eww~never ever wanna try it anymore!

Ms Teng Teng and me. she's back!

two of them are sweet. sweet couple i should say. bahahaaa

yay us! Eezeeeee!

we went to Pop Wave after taking lunch but there's a big matter about the parking space there. i need PARKING COUPON! change the parking coupon every single half hour? drives me crazy soon! also, i dun want to get any trouble because of this!!!! humph! so we changed our mind and went to Red Coliseum at Premium 101.

a snapshot while they were singing. xD

瘦脸按摩棒代言人 =D

that's all for today's update.
thank God for the everything ^^

'Santa Claus's coming to town...HoHoHoHooo~'
sweet dreams everybody!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

can i?

merry-go-round turns round and round
will not turn back and look back about the past
only move forwards and look for the future

can i?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


let me count...i go to THE SPRING for at least 3 times a week during this holidays
wow! freak me out! As i normally go to THE SPRING once a week. and yeah, the number of taking lunch outside is increasing to 5-6 times a week.
also, with my favorite biscuits, coffee and coca-cola at home...FATTY me! haha! i need to buy M size not the S size. XS? no way! XS is for my sister ONLY ='(

and again...THE SPRING today with my parents after worship. they straight away head to TA KIONG cuz of big sale...xD groceries shopping*

my dad loves to shop in the chocolate store, wonder why!
and bought me this. *merci, dad! & mom(she paid this!)
Hong Kong is cheaper loo..


another haha~ 8 flavors haha~

next, i'm leaving this Wednesday. off me go to somewhere in M'sia.
eew~i have to buy more and more masks now. i have to wear it in order to prevent the bad bad bacteria, SWINE FLU!
the photos below were taken last few years and sorry about the low quality of photos! B-L-U-R, blur! ####

whee~i miss the pool there!

and the tiny-little bridge!

and the barbecue zone! well, i never barbecue before...NEVER! why?!

there, the highest floor...*windy*

love! from swatch =)
i...i...want to watch Transformers 2:Revenge of the Fallen!!!!!
Shia LaBeouf, he made me "oww! is he! is he! how cool he is! umm...wad's his name huh?!" last time. i remember his name now. he is SHIA! Mr. Labeouf!